what the hell is wrong with the world?

Well, boohoo, it seems I have been deplatformed once again. If you have managed to find this article, remember, it’s only matter of time before they try to throttle me again. So please - share, like, subscribe before powers that be once again try to squash me like a bug.

I am Oliver and this is Oliver Report.

So what the hell is wrong with the world these days? Is it really the migrant waves from regions that have become uninhabitable by ecological disasters and climate change?Mainstream media would have you believe just that. They keep harping on and on and on how it’s always some poor shmuck from abroad who’s taking your job. Or how it’s lazy young people who don’t want to work. Or how it’s YOU for having the audacity to point out that your backyard is full of corporate toxic waste, or that the only way to get decent health care is to win it in a lottery, or that the only way to put some bread on the table is by working three jobs and hustle a mining gig on the side.


It’s the sociopaths with billions in their bank accounts who have bribed their way into the government, stripping away last rights and protections, who are the problem! It’s the populist leaders, who will have you fight against each other while simultaneously selling off the last public assets to their corporate donors. It’s the local warlords, who have muscled their way into power because governments all around the world are so bankrupt they can’t even manage to fund a decent police force anymore and are instead paving the way for private police forces, private armies and inevitably in our future: private law.


Everybody I’ve talked with says they could see the signs two decades ago but most seemed to think “Well, maybe it’s not so bad”, and “Well, maybe it will get better”, “Well, maybe I will strike rich and will not have to worry about it all". Empty wishes as it turned out. When societal forces don’t do anything about the injustices, the creeps in power will keep on taking. And taking. And taking. Until we wake up one morning and realize that we are unsuccessfully trying to be a cheaper alternative than a bot on the factory floor, our food is now glorified fly larvae and many of us carry a shotgun on our way home because our neighbourhoods are warzones.

If you are lucky, you live in corporate owned block with MSEC private police goons who push you around for fun. If not they arrest you on BS charges to fill their monthly quota. And where do you end up? In PubCell. Private prisons that are really just factories with bars. All the major manufacturers have contracts with PubCell. Why? Because it’s the cheapest labour there is! Did you know that both MSEC and PubCell belong to one person? Yeah, it’s Oskar Margolis, the richest dude in the world. Complete dumbshit, but rich as hell. Did you know that PubCell is the biggest campaign donor whenever a new judge is being voted on? You heard me right - they own the police, they own the judges and they own the prisons. And once you are in the prison, you work for free in a prison sweatshop, so that KriTech or QuikDuds or GoodFoods or GeoTech or whoever can have the lowest production costs imaginable and their stock price can choo-choo uphill all the way to the bank.


And what do those same judges do when a corporation like Petrolith vomits toxic waste into your groundwater? Oh my, what a surprise, they do NOTHING.
Read the materials that the few remaining members of a legitimate press are putting out, as difficult as that is these days. Read them fast before some corporate AI algo has scrubbed them and sanitized them. Also, plz donate to their upkeep using whatever links might be provided. The Truth is a delicate creature that needs to be fed.
Yep, the Truth. Back in the days of innocence people used to say stuff like “The Truth will always prevail.” Right. Dream on baby. The Truth is highly inconvenient and that makes it fragile, and that means it can’t survive unless it is actively fought for.

<<Link Inactive. There might be a problem with it or our servers are currently down..>>

Btw, I will be going off radar briefly. Don’t worry, that’s my doing, not the work of the bad guys. An interesting new proposal has just hit my inbox. Can’t talk about it yet, just let me just say that hope seems to be rearing its adorable head from a highly unexpected quarter: the people themselves.