armory inventory memo UH-a-02.12.41

Access level Ultra1 detected. Ultra3 or higher is needed for requisitions and performance reviews.

From: UH Ordinance Officer Ziggy

In light of the recent developments, certain stocks are running below acceptable levels. UH is currently in talks with Zhang and Muller Waffe via third parties to remedy the situation. Until the logistics problems are solved, all gangs are advised to rely on their own inventories for non-critical missions.

assault rifles

Almerk is experiencing higher than usual demand for their assault rifles, so don’t come knocking on my door asking for another Tugarin anytime soon. Echoes gang has been authorized a shipment of wide array of Muller Waffe production for their own project. In order to facilitate that, we had to dip into UH reserves. So Gibraltars are also off the table. There might be coming a shipment of Rimfire Logi soon but don’t hold your breath if global shipping routes keep being disrupted.


Street-sweeper stocks are kind of ok, Bobby Jack has been been a busy boy. So no problems there unless you are particularly fond of Tyrant. As mentioned before, Almerk is having a hot month, those beauties are harder to get than tickets for Avid Psychosis concerts.


I know everybody and their mother wants to try out the new Cholla but Bobby Jack has not yet set up a reliable production line, so please cool it with the requests. Worth mentioning that couple of design kinks are yet to be ironed out. So unless you are ok with field-testing, I’d rather everyone just stuck with oldies-but-goodies. I’ve got cases of Scorpio cluttering up the place. Just FYI.

sniper rifles

Problem. Increased world-wide demand and price fluctuations. Don’t give me that look, Laika. You don’t need Olivari stuff to get your snipes, you could assassinate a flea with a slingshot anyway. Super cool toys are just that - toys.

rocket launchers

Since we over-estimated our needs the previous month, rocket launchers are a-plenty. With what we have, we could level a major city in one whoosh. Worth mentioning that Zhang’s RL-88 are sometimes having some issues with reloading mechanism. I haven’t experienced any problems myself. Might be that the problem is only with their South African retail series.

grenade launchers

The Cataclysm launchers shipment you all so waited for has been delayed. However, Almerk has promised to throw in some extra cases of IceLight and Swamp Hog. Be patient. Zhang SHOX-33 container is being unloaded as I type this. All is well in the boom-boom land.


After extensive testing it has been decided that Camara will be the default sidearm for UH personnel. The reliability, ergonomics and price combo that Muller Waffe offers with this neat pistol, just makes it a natural choice.
Sidenote about the Kewler grenades - THEY ARE NOT TO BE USED AS ICE CUBE FACTORIES FOR YOUR DRINKS! Geez, people…


Please stop bombarding me with requests about exotic weaponry. If you find some out there, fine, good for you. But I don’t want to hear whining that armory does not provide “Black Hole Guns”. The BH19 prototype gun is just that - a sick prototype by unknown tinkerers, I’m not letting that thing near my warehouse.
And yes, you can use Flux Logic Action Guard as a weapon if you really know what you doing. Overcharging the F.L.A.G. can result in a deadly charge. Sometimes you can even aim it. I don’t recommend it though.

additional notes

Couple of things - it has come to my attention that some Penny Royals acquired weaponry without proper authorisation. Let it be known - repeat offences like this will get you booted off the Towers Complex pretty fast. This has been your first and final warning.

Also, everyone - stop pestering me about the “stylish” color coatings and “skins” for your guns. Those you have to get yourselves from manufacturers or weapon artisans. In my humble opinion, BubbleGum Pink is not a camo pattern. Unless you guys are planning on raiding a candy factory.

Ziggy out.

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