the wolves as herders

Oskar Margolis’ baby, MSec started out simply as security company of rent-a-cops for Margolis-owned retail spaces. However, soon enough it became clear that this service can scale up nicely and MSec rapidly became dominant player in protection of shops, clubs and private residences.

Soon after LA Water Riots it became clear that governmental police forces can not really provide order and protection for businesses so MSec amped up their operations. First, they became the biggest customer of Pentagon’s Scale Down Initiative in 2030-ies, when US Army could not maintain their operations anymore due to lack of funding. Selling off “less lethal” equipment became main source of funds for US. Army and MSec was able to purchase huge amounts of armoured vehicles, weapons and gear for laughable prices.

Next step was lobbying for government contracts for local police forces, essentially privatizing police in many states. At that point many corporations were starting to pay attention to their security needs because food riots and vandalism was becoming quite a norm in some areas. Most of them outsourced their security needs to MSec totally so that MSec ended up guarding malls, shops, wealthy citizens, mines, businesses, private residential blocks and areas.

These days MSec is a global presence, one can see their riot gear on the streets all over the world, always the same, just like MacDonalds. MSec is hiring their thugs with the help of AI-powered systems that trawl social networks, forums etc for certain kind of individuals. Their political views are mostly authoritarian, their psych profiles tend to lean to sadistic and controlling (although of course it’s never mentioned publicly).

MSec corporate culture encourages weird personality-cult with Margolis as the focal point. Corporate emails and messages often refer to Margolis as “Our Herzog” and although it looks tongue-in-cheek, many MSec thugs take it seriously.

Within the company, MSec personel often refer to themselves as “the Knights” and memes about knights herding the peasants are abundant.