
Alright, Fighters! Get ready for some changes in the arena with map updates, balance changes, and more! Here's what you can expect from Update

Map updates

Hakone Temple received an architectural update: players can no longer sneak through the closed gate into the underpass. We like a good surprise, but not that much.

Seaporch, through a sheer fluke, had taken an unplanned vacation from custom lobbies. But worry not, Fighters! It's back, and it's ready for action. However, keep your guard up. This map may have a few more tricks up its sleeve in future updates. Stay alert!

Balance changes


With Arx getting his hands on Assault rifles, we noticed a few anomalies and imbalances we aim to fix. Some take a little longer (good things come to those who wait!), but in the meanwhile, we can do some minor changes. These changes aim to make ARs more balanced in their own weapon family, not compared to other weapons.

Twin Twelve

  • Range reduced from 28 to 20 meters

  • Damage per projectile increased from 7 to 8

  • New visual appearance for the gun

"Twin Twelve was always tempting its users to just try and use it from a range from which it's not really effective. By reducing maximum range and slightly increasing the damage we hope we can make people play it as a close-mid range assault weapon it is intended to be."


  • Damage per projectile reduced from 25 to 23


  • Damage per projectile reduced from 30 to 26

"These two weapons despite their easy-to-use nature (or because of it!) tend to outperform more difficult guns in terms of damage output, so we decided that their damage should be slightly reduced."


  • Arx Xavier Robot's damage per projectile has blasted off, doubling from 7 to 14.

  • Hantu's Max Armor has seen a strategic reduction from 160 to 120, emphasizing wits over might.

  • Paavo's Max health has been nudged down from 300 to 250, presenting a new challenge for the seasoned Fighters.

  • The Overheal effect for Paavo has been nipped from 110 to 100, keeping things neat and tidy.

User interface changes

  • We’ve added tooltips that were previously missing for rewards on Post-Battle and Progression screens.

  • Better readability for action buttons inside tooltips

Other changes

  • If you quickly restart the game, it will instantly load in the Main Menu without the need to Press a button to continue

  • If you are launching the game for the first time on a device, it will allow you to link your existing profile even before getting into the Main Menu after the initial loading is complete

We've made some awesome improvements to the new version rollout compared to previous weeks, which means it'll be much shorter this time around!

This update also incorporates minor improvements for mobile platforms from updates and, including memory optimization, Battle HUD scaled back to normal, a fixed Codex link, and a solution to the stuttering of the game on Xbox.

Enjoy the smooth sailing, Fighters!




Update 0.9.10